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Cleansing facial, nose extractions, mask, SPF.
Cleansing facial, extractions full face, vapor, mask, antioxidant treatment, collagen mask, hyaluronic acid, facial massage, led light therapy.
Cleansing facial, extractions full face, microdermabrasion, vapor, mask, antioxidant treatment, collagen mask, hyaluronic acid, facial massage, led light therapy
Radio frequency is a treatment that helps stimulate the collagen production to secure elasticity. Giving you firm bouncy skin.
Hydrafacial is a deep cleansing vacuum wet Microdermabrasion with peptides and vitamins to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate and protect the skin.
Lifting facials consist of an array of machines and massages that lifts and tightens the skin. Giving you a chiseled face.
Chemical Peels are essentially for people with hyperpigmentation . Chemicals peels can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and dull skin.
European facials are made specifically to remove dead skin cells from your back , leaving you with smooth skin.
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Full body wood therapy consist of working on legs,back,abdomen and arms. Wood therapy is known for reducing inches off any area worked on. Breaking down fat cells and leaving you with an anti cellulite, body toned look.
Full body wood tereapy consist of working on legs,back,abdomen and arms. Wood therapy is known for reducing inches off any area worked on. Breaking down fat cells and leaving you with an anti cellulite body toned look.
Cavitation is excellent for reducing inches and getting rid of stubborn fat. It’s is know for liquifying fat cells eliminating fat from the body . This treatment can help individuals loose weight and anlso reduce inches off the waist line.
Radio frequency is know for its tightening effect. Radio frequency work’s with collagen and elasticity of the skin. Reducing lines of expression, reducing appearance of stretch marks and can also give you a firming effect on the skin. If you have saggy skin this treatment is excellent for lifting effect. A bonus radio frequency has is that it can also break down fat cells.
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